6 Worship Songs That Can Lead You Into The Presence Of God


In 1 Samuel 16 describes an event where Saul who was King of Israel at the time was tortured by an evil spirit after the Spirit of the Lord had left him. It seemed as though the only relief for his soul Saul could find was when David the shepherd boy would come and play music with his harp. In fact, it says in 1 Samuel 16:23 “Whenever the evil spirit from God bothered Saul, David would play his harp. Saul would relax and feel better, and the evil spirit would go away.

Louie Giglio has described worship as being “a weapon to wage warfare against the enemy.” I’m guessing you’re reading this today because you’re in a battle right now or because somebody shared this with you to offer some encouragement. Here’s some worship songs I believe can become anthems for you no matter what you’re facing:



Million little Miracles (Maverick City Music)

This song starts out with the powerful lyrics: “All my life I’ve been carried by grace. Don’t ask me how cause I can’t explain. It’s nothing short of a miracle I’m here.” This is my story and it’s your story! The question is are we stopping to do two things? First to thank God for who He is and for everything He has done. The second thing is to count how many miracles are in our life. Millions of miracles. Dozens of problems. #Perspective



Talking to Jesus (Brandon Lake)

This song is a little more of a story format. Just remember these words: “What a friend we have in Jesus.” No matter what you are going through - God is there with you! When you recognize that God actually calls you His son or daughter, things get personal and relational. A personal relationship means you and I are allowed access to approach. We can talk to Jesus - prayers can be simple!



Let The Light In (Kari Jobe)

My daughter is one at the time that I write this and it’s an understatement when I say she is a morning person! She loves to watch the sunrise. Most days lately, our family starts our day singing this song! We are surrounded by a dark world - and God’s light might never have shined brighter than when the world is darker.



Catch Me Singing (Sean Curran)

I watched the story behind the song from this artist, and he wrote Catch Me Singing during the height of the pandemic. The melody that catches me each time is “Everything’s Gonna Be Just Fine… You’ve Been God For a Long Time.” To me, this song has so many personal meanings. Maybe this past year has been rough for you - it’s an opportunity to praise God in the famine. Maybe things are going great currently and it’s an opportunity to bless God in the feast.



Breakthrough Miracle Power (Kristin Stanfill/ Passion)

“As long as You're in it… The story's not finished… I know you've overcome… So I know I'm gonna overcome…” This describes the human condition of despair perfectly and acknowledges that through the cross, Jesus has the final word. That dead things come back to life. That God is who He says He is and He will do what He says He can do. Healing. Restoring. Forgiving. Creating. We have an annual WKND event for 18-30 year olds who gather together from across the state of Minnesota to lift up the name of Jesus. Worship through song is a huge part of that… this year this song was our anthem and theme - focusing on the breakthrough miracle power of Jesus!



Available (Elevation)

I love this song! Simply offering our whole hearts, our whole lives, our whole schedule to Jesus. Singing and meaning that God can use me and I’m offering my life to Him is something I never want to stop. The part that hits different for me is: “For The One Who Gave Me Life… Nothing Is a Sacrifice” When I pause to think about the fact that Jesus gave His life in my place on the cross - there’s only one reasonable response and it’s to give it all for the one who gave it all for me!

I hope these songs minister to you as much as they have for me!

What about you? What songs are you listening to?

Josiah Kennealy