The Best of Young Adults Today Podcast

It’s hard to believe that this month marks 3 years of recording the youngadultstoday podcast! What started as a hobby 3 years ago with a dream to resource young adult ministry leaders has grown to a library of over 150 episodes. We are also now launched as a full blown 501c3 nonprofit ministry! A lot of times people ask us if we have a favorite episode or conversation, and they all have been incredible. Here’s some of the most downloaded conversations of all time:

1.  Praying the Scriptures For Your Children with Jodie Berndt
Jodie is the author of several books including “Praying The Scriptures For Your Children.” We (Josiah and Micah) are new parents ourselves - and in this episode Jodie shares the best parenting advice as well as outlines the power of a praying parent.

2.     Single, Dating, Engaged, Married with Ben Stuart
Ben is the Pastor of Passion City Church, DC. Also the author of “Single, Dating, Engaged, Married.” As the former director of Breakaway Campus Ministry, Ben knows the hearts of young adults and college students are longing to be married one day and want to talk about relationships!

3.     Soul Care with Dr. Alicia Britt Chole

Alicia Britt Chole might be Josiah’s favorite author. She has written books on soul care like “Anonymous”, “40 Days of Decrease” and “The Sacred Slow.” We talk with her about how caring for your soul is your greatest gift to God.

4.     Redefining Anxiety with Dr. John Delony
John Delony is one of the Ramsey Solutions personalities and host of The Ramsey Show. Also the author of the book Redefining Anxiety. He helps us understand why mental health matters and how we can prioritize our own as well as holistically minister to those we lead.

5.     Outdated with Jonathan Pokluda

It’s impossible not to love JP! He is the Lead Pastor of Harris Creek Baptist Church, former leader of The Porch young adult ministry, and the author of Outdated. We talk about young adult ministry, dating, and the future of the church!

6.     Developing Leaders with Josiah Jones

Josiah is the Director of Leadership for The Porch at Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas. Each Tuesday night, close to 5,000 young adults gather to worship Jesus and grow in community at The Porch. They have a volunteer team with close to 300 members. We talk about equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry.

7.     The Last Supper on the Moon with Levi Lusko

Levi and his wife Jennie pastor Fresh Life Church in Montana. We talk about a lot of things because Levi is a deep well. Some people think Josiah K and Levi look a little alike so you’ll have to let us know what you think :)

8.     Theological Questions of young adults with Dr. Allen Tennison
Dr. Tennison is the Dean of the College of Ministry and Church Leadership at North Central University. As one of Josiah and Micah’s now mentors and previous college professors, Tennison unpacks brilliant answers to some of the toughest theological questions facing the next generation in our world today!

9.     Fully Alive with Susie Larson
Susie Larson is a daily radio talk show host, author of close to 20 books, and national speaker. She’s returned to the youngadultstoday podcast a second time, but in this episode she shares about her health journey, how to live God’s best life fully alive.

10.  Launching & Leading a Young Adult Ministry with Clay Cooney
Clay Cooney is the young adult director at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Georgia. Whether you’re starting a brand new young adult ministry or strengthening an existing one - we know you’ll find value in our conversation with Clay!

We’d love to hear from you! If you’re a regular listener, which episode have you enjoyed or learned from the most? Who’s someone you’d like to hear from again? Or, is there a guest you’d like to suggest for us to interview? Let us know today!

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